workmates是什么意思 workmates的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

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workmates是什么意思 workmates的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

#workmates是什么意思 workmates的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  workmates是什么意思 workmates的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:My workmates will come along if i ask.

  翻译:只要我出声我的同事 就会跟过来。



  例句:The people in our 75-year study who were the happiest in retirement were the people who had actively worked to replace workmates with new playmates.

  翻译:在我们长达xx年的研究中, 那些最享受退休生活的人, 是那些主动用玩伴 来替代工作伙伴的人。 。



  例句:if you’re persuaded by the arguments, take on the myths when family or friends or workmates repeat them.

  翻译:如果你被说服了, 那就 如果家人、朋友或者同事一再重复的话。 。



  例句:Later, when my Ma’s workmates arrive.




  1. if you’re persuaded by the arguments, take on the myths when family or friends or workmates repeat them.

  翻译:如果你被说服了, 那就 如果家人、朋友或者同事一再重复的话。 。

  2. Later, when my Ma’s workmates arrive.


  3. So, us being workmates and all…

  翻译:所以呢 我们毕竟是同事…。

  4. He went to see distant relatives, became acquainted with Giovanna Constantini, and came into contact with the witness Antonio Orlando and other workmates.

  翻译:他去探望远房亲戚 结识了乔凡娜?康斯坦丁尼 并且和证人安东尼?奥兰多以及其他工友接上关系。

  5. One of your old workmates is here to see you.

  翻译:你的一个老同事 在这里见到你。。

  6. Zachariah was so angry at them for leaving him he chopped off his arm to free himself, then went back to the lumber camp and hacked every one of his workmates to death.

  翻译:Zachariah非常愤怒他们留下他一个人在那 于是他砍下了自己的胳膊逃脱了 然后他回到伐木场的帐篷。

  7. Your colleagues, your workmates, the people you work with.

  翻译:也就是你的同事 那些与你共事的人。

  8. if i think of my workmates, those poor girls!

  翻译:我想起我的工友 那些可怜姑娘!。

  9. My family’s left me. My workmates hate me. My son loves this girl that he can’t marry ’cause i’m a big jewish twat.

  翻译:我家人都离我而去了 老婆恨恨地走了 儿子爱上的姑娘,因为我是个 废柴犹太人 所以不能跟她结婚。

  10. …because when i tell your workmates what you’ve been doing.


  11. Malleson seems to have kept himself to himself. Didn’t go out drinking with his workmates.

  翻译:Malleson好像拒人于千里之外 也不跟同事一起出去喝东西。

  12. All my fellow workmates are fresh graduates from the university.

  翻译:现在跟我的那班兄弟 全是初出茅庐的大学生。

  13. Go ask your workmates and see whether they know me

  翻译:我也做过的 你回去问问警官。

  14. So you speak very carefully on the phone with your workmates, Mr. Foster?

  翻译:所以你非常小心地 跟你的同事通电话是吗 福斯特先生。

  15. Um, you know, you should check with their workmates.


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